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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Wialon Playground - Show nearby units</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> </head> <body> <!-- load map --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" /> <script src="//"></script> <div id="map"></div> <p id='usage-hint'>Doubleclick on the map to set position manually</p> <p>Position: <input id='latlng' type='text' placeholder='latitude, longitude'> <button id='find-by-location-button'>Find nearest to the position</button></p> <p>Units: <select id='units'><option value='0'>—</option></select> <button id='find-by-unit-button'>Find nearest to the unit</button></p> <table id='results-table'><thead><tr> <td>Distance</td> <td>Name</td> <td>Last message</td> </tr></thead> <tbody id='results-table-body'></tbody> </table> <p id='no-results'>There is no closest units satisfying search criteria</p> <p>Maximum units count: <select id='max-units'><option>5</option><option>10</option><option>20</option></select></p> <p>Filter by actuality: <select id='last-message-time-filter'> <option value='5'>Received message in 5 minutes</option> <option value='30'>Received message in 30 minutes</option> <option value='60'>Received message in 1 hour</option> <option value='360'>Received message in 6 hours</option> <option value='720'>Received message in 12 hours</option> <option value='1440'>Received message in 24 hours</option> <option value='0'>Show all</option> </select></p> <p>Use routing: <input id='use-routing' type='checkbox'></p> <div id="log"></div> </body> </html>
#map { width:480px; height:400px; } #log { border: 1px solid #c6c6c6; } #usage-hint { color: gray; } #latlng.invalid { border-color: red; } table .unit-name span { border-bottom: 1px dashed; } table .unit-name:hover { cursor: pointer; background: #eee; } #results-table { display: none; } #no-results { display: none; }
/* * Showing nearby units * * Usage: * set position in format "latitude, longitude" and press `Find nearest to the position` button * doubleclick on the map to set position of click * choose unit from the list to set position of selected unit * (click `Find nearest to the unit` button to update matching position by current unit position) * * You can setup maximum results count/filter by time of last message * * If you have checked `Use routing`, then it will calculate distance not geometrically, * but by actual routes via roads, if possible. * * Implementation: * * 1. Request data and subscribe for new unit positions: * * var flags = wialon.item.Item.dataFlag.base | wialon.item.Unit.dataFlag.lastPosition; * * session.updateDataFlags([ * {type: 'type', data: 'avl_unit', flags: flags, mode: 0} * ], callback); * * 2. To find geometrical distance, use wialon.util.Geometry.getDistance: * * * * This method will always return value in meters. * * 3. To get distance of routes, use wialon.util.Gis.getOneToManyRoute: * * * * wialon.util.Gis.getOneToManyRoute(lat, lon, [{lat: lat1, lon: lon1}, ...], callback); * * In callback you will receive error code in first argument and array of results in the second. * * For each point successful result will be in the next format: * * { * status: 'OK', * distance: { * value: 1492519.84, * text: '1492.52 km' * }, * duration: { * value: 61062, * text: '16 h 57 min' * } * } * * Results from GIS will always be in meters. */ // Token that will be used for auth // For more info about how to generate token check // var TOKEN = '5dce19710a5e26ab8b7b8986cb3c49e58C291791B7F0A7AEB8AFBFCEED7DC03BC48FF5F8'; // global variables var map, marker, unitMarkers = [], markerByUnit = {}; var areUnitsLoaded = false; // for refreshing var currentPos = null, currentUnit = null; var isUIActive = true; function onlyTwoSignsAfterComma(n) { return Math.round(n * 100) / 100; } // show distance in meters or kilometers with only 2 signs after comma function prettyPrintDistance(distance) { if (distance < 1000) return Math.ceil(distance) + ' m'; else return onlyTwoSignsAfterComma(distance / 1000) + ' km'; } // Unit markers constructor function getUnitMarker(unit) { // check for already created marker var marker = markerByUnit[unit.getId()]; if (marker) return marker; var unitPos = unit.getPosition(); if (!unitPos) return null; marker = L.marker([unitPos.y, unitPos.x], { clickable: true, draggable: false, icon: L.icon({ iconUrl: unit.getIconUrl(32), iconAnchor: [16, 16] // set icon center }) }); marker.on('click', function(e) { // select unit in UI $('#units').val(unit.getId()); findAndShowNearestUnitsByUnit(unit, getFilterOptions()); }); // save marker for access from filtering by distance unitMarkers.push(marker); markerByUnit[unit.getId()] = marker; return marker; } function displayPosition(lat, lon) { // five signs is precise enough var displayLat = Math.round(lat * 100000) / 100000, displayLon = Math.round(lon * 100000) / 100000; // show position $('#latlng').val(displayLat + ', ' + displayLon); // we have got valid position $('#latlng').removeClass('invalid'); } // Print message to log function msg(text) { $('#log').prepend(text + '<br/>'); } // gets options from DOM controls function getFilterOptions() { return { lastMessageSeconds: parseInt($('#last-message-time-filter').val()) * 60, // in DOM we have minutes maxUnits: parseInt($('#max-units').val()), useRouting: $('#use-routing').prop('checked') }; } // disable/enable buttons function toggleActiveUI(toggle) { isUIActive = toggle; $('#find-by-location-button').prop('disabled', !toggle); $('#find-by-unit-button').prop('disabled', !toggle); } function init() { // Execute after login succeed // get instance of current Session var session = wialon.core.Session.getInstance(); // specify what kind of data should be returned var flags = wialon.item.Item.dataFlag.base | wialon.item.Unit.dataFlag.lastPosition; // load Icon Library session.loadLibrary('itemIcon'); // load items to the current session session.updateDataFlags( [{type: 'type', data: 'avl_unit', flags: flags, mode: 0}], // Items specification function (error) { // updateDataFlags callback if (error) { // show error, if update data flags was failed msg(wialon.core.Errors.getErrorText(error)); } else { areUnitsLoaded = true; msg('Units are loaded'); // add received data to the UI, setup UI events initUIData(); } } ); } // will be called after updateDataFlags success function initUIData() { var session = wialon.core.Session.getInstance(); var units = session.getItems('avl_unit'); units.forEach(function(unit) { var unitMarker = getUnitMarker(unit); if (unitMarker) unitMarker.addTo(map); // Add option $('#units').append($('<option>').text(unit.getName()).val(unit.getId())); // listen for new messages unit.addListener('changePosition', function(event) { // event is qx.event.type.Data // extract message data var pos = event.getData(); // move or create marker, if not exists if (pos) { if (unitMarker) { unitMarker.setLatLng([pos.y, pos.x]); } else { // create new marker unitMarker = getUnitMarker(unit); // add marker to the map if (unitMarker) unitMarker.addTo(map); else msg('Got message with pos, but unit don\'t have a position'); } } }); }); // find nearest to the unit choosed from <select> function onUnitSelected() { var unitId = parseInt($('#units').val()); if (unitId === 0) return; var unit = session.getItem(unitId); if (!unit) { msg('No such unit'); return; } var unitPos = unit.getPosition(); if (!unitPos) { msg('Unit haven\'t a position'); return; } findAndShowNearestUnitsByUnit(unit, getFilterOptions()); } // find near unit $('#find-by-unit-button').click(onUnitSelected); // by button $('#units').change(onUnitSelected); // by unit selection // find near specified location $('#find-by-location-button').click(function() { // extracts two numbers divided by non-digits var latlngRegex = /^[^\d]*?(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)[^\.\d]+?(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)[^\d]*$/; var positionEl = $('#latlng'); var groups = latlngRegex.exec(positionEl.val()); if (!groups) { // invalid string positionEl.addClass('invalid'); return; } var lat = parseFloat(groups[1]), lon = parseFloat(groups[2]); if (isFinite(lat) && isFinite(lon) && (-90 <= lat && lat <= 90) && (-180 <= lon && lon <= 180)) { positionEl.removeClass('invalid'); findAndShowNearestUnitsByPos({ lat: lat, lon: lon }, getFilterOptions()); } else { positionEl.addClass('invalid'); } }); // refresh on settings change: function doRefresh() { if (isUIActive && currentPos) { if (currentUnit) findAndShowNearestUnitsByUnit(currentUnit, getFilterOptions()); else findAndShowNearestUnitsByPos(currentPos, getFilterOptions()); } // else TODO: cancel current operation & make new request } $('#max-units').change(doRefresh); $('#last-message-time-filter').change(doRefresh); $('#use-routing').change(doRefresh); } function findAndShowNearestUnitsByPos(pos, options) { currentUnit = null; $('#units').val('0'); // deselect unit _findAndShowNearestUnits(pos, options); } function findAndShowNearestUnitsByUnit(unit, options) { currentUnit = unit; var unitPos = unit.getPosition(); _findAndShowNearestUnits({lat: unitPos.y, lon: unitPos.x}, options, {excludeUnitById: unit.getId()}); } function _findAndShowNearestUnits(pos, options, _options) { // save pos for refreshing currentPos = pos; // disable UI to prevent second request toggleActiveUI(false); // center map at selected position map.setView([, pos.lon]); // check for units if (!areUnitsLoaded) { msg('Units are not loaded yet, please, wait.'); return; } // show coordinates displayPosition(, pos.lon); // default filter values, 0 means "no filter, show all" var maximumUnits = 0, lastMessageTimeFilter = 0, useRouting = false, excludeUnitById = null; // get options, if any if (options) { if (options.lastMessageSeconds) lastMessageTimeFilter = options.lastMessageSeconds; if (options.maxUnits) maximumUnits = options.maxUnits; if (options.useRouting) useRouting = options.useRouting; } // extended options if (_options) { if (typeof _options.excludeUnitById === 'number') excludeUnitById = _options.excludeUnitById; } if (!marker) { // create and show default pointer marker, if not exists marker = L.marker(pos, { clickable: false, draggable: false, zIndexOffset: 1000 // show topmost }); marker.addTo(map); } else { // set marker position marker.setLatLng(pos); } // get authorized session var session = wialon.core.Session.getInstance(), // get currenlty loaded items units = session.getItems('avl_unit'); units = units.filter(function(unit) { // exclude units without position and excluded via options return Boolean(unit.getPosition()) && (unit.getId() !== excludeUnitById); }); // filter by last position time if (lastMessageTimeFilter > 0) { units = units.filter(function(unit) { // compare server time with last position time return (session.getServerTime() - unit.getPosition().t) < lastMessageTimeFilter; }); } // we use this function if not using routing, or if route is not exists function calcGeometryDistanceToUnit(pos, unit) { var unitPos = unit.getPosition(); return { distance: wialon.util.Geometry.getDistance(, pos.lon, unitPos.y, unitPos.x), unit: unit }; } if (useRouting) { // extract points, since getOneToManyRoute receives points, not units var points = { var unitPos = unit.getPosition(); return {lon: unitPos.x, lat: unitPos.y}; }); msg('Loading route'); // do a request wialon.util.Gis.getOneToManyRoute(, pos.lon, points, function(error, data) { if (error) { // error was happened msg(wialon.core.Errors.getErrorText(error)); return; } var resultUnits = []; // extract distances data.forEach(function(x, i) { if (x.distance) { // get distance from response, if exists resultUnits.push({ distance: x.distance.value, unit: units[i] }); } else { // else fallback to Geometry.getDistance resultUnits.push(calcGeometryDistanceToUnit(pos, units[i])); } }); msg('Loaded'); processResults(resultUnits); }); } else { // calculate distance from marker for each unit units = { return calcGeometryDistanceToUnit(pos, unit); }); processResults(units); } // sorts, limits, adds results to the table function processResults(unitsWithDistance) { // sort by distance unitsWithDistance.sort(function(a, b) { return a.distance - b.distance; }); // apply maximum units filter var showUnitsCount = maximumUnits === 0 ? units.length : Math.min(units.length, maximumUnits); // remove all rows from result table $('#results-table-body').empty(); // add results to the table var i; for (i = 0; i < showUnitsCount; i++) { var unitWithDistance = unitsWithDistance[i]; addResult(unitWithDistance.unit, unitWithDistance.distance); } if (i > 0) { $('#results-table').show(); $('#no-results').hide(); } else { // if no results $('#results-table').hide(); $('#no-results').show(); } // activate UI toggleActiveUI(true); function addResult(unit, distance) { var unitPos = unit.getPosition(); var distanceText = prettyPrintDistance(distance); var lastMessageTime = wialon.util.DateTime.formatTime(unit.getPosition().t, 1); // 1 - print date, if not current day // add result to the table var tr = $('<tr>'); tr.append('<td>' + distanceText + '</td>'); var unitNameTd = $('<td class="unit-name">').append($('<span>').text(unit.getName())); tr.append(unitNameTd); tr.append('<td>' + lastMessageTime + '</td>'); // open map at unit position { var unitPos = unit.getPosition(); map.setView([unitPos.y, unitPos.x]); }); $('#results-table-body').append(tr); } } } function initMap() { // create a map in the "map" div, set the view to a given place and zoom map ='map', { // disable zooming, because we will use double-click to set up marker doubleClickZoom: false }).setView([52.33745, 9.81056], 12); // add an OpenStreetMap tile layer L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { // copyrights attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors | © <a href="">Gurtam</a>' }).addTo(map); // handle mouse double-click event map.on('dblclick', function(e) { if (!isUIActive) return; // hide hint $('#usage-hint').hide(); findAndShowNearestUnitsByPos({lat:, lon: e.latlng.lng}, getFilterOptions()); }); } // execute when DOM ready $(document).ready(function () { // init session wialon.core.Session.getInstance().initSession(""); wialon.core.Session.getInstance().loginToken(TOKEN, "", // try to login function (code) { // login callback // if error code - print error message if (code){ msg(wialon.core.Errors.getErrorText(code)); return; } msg('Logged successfully'); initMap(); init(); // when login suceed then run init() function } ); });
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